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Seattle Public Library

FIXnRIGHT Visual Identity



My role

Design Lead: End-to-End Visual Identity Design


Figma, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Webflow


FIXnRIGHT is a handyman and repair service established and managed by a sole proprietor in the Seattle area. Despite having an established client base, FIXnRIGHT sought to broaden its reach and attract new clientele beyond its current network. To achieve this goal, a comprehensive logo and visual identity were created to enhance marketing efforts and uphold a unified brand aesthetic.


The client had a clear vision: prioritize the business URL in the logo for maximum visibility on his van, intending to attract new clients directly to his site. He also desired a badge-style design reflecting his services. Balancing scalability, I designed a simple badge logo while ensuring versatility with logomark and wordmark variations. In developing the brand's identity, I selected a color palette inspired by organic hues, refined to appeal to his target demographic and elevate the brand's perception. Similarly, for the typography, I juxtaposed serif and sans-serif fonts to infuse contrast and subtly convey a sense of premium service. For the website design, we’re prioritizing user engagement with prominent CTAs and visually appealing custom icons representing his services.

Library Cards
Landing Page
